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Project License

Here you'll find the legal limitations under which I release my code to the public.

General Restrictions

These restrictions apply to all my projects, whatever their license. They make no restrictions on the re-use or adaptation of my code, and serve only to ensure that your use of my code does not impose on my own.

  1. If you redistribute a modified version of one of my programs, register it under a different Creator ID. All binaries with a creator ID I've registered must go through me. This restriction exists because PalmOS uses the creator IDs to associate databases with the apps which created them, and therefore two apps with the same creator ID will conflict. It's not hard to register a new ID.
  2. Give credit where credit is due. Most notably, do not claim my work as your own. This practice is known as plagiarism, even if the plagiarized work is under the Public Domain. I would also appreciate due credit in your application if it uses substantial amounts of code from one of mine - however I don't insist on this beyond what is specified within the license on the individual project.
  3. Share it. If someone's trying to learn PalmOS, let them know there's some free example code they can use and tinker with.
  4. Do not misrepresent yourself. Give credit where it's due, but do not claim to be me. If you re-use my code, or distribute a modified version, distinguish it from my distributions - make sure anyone running it will know who wrote it (see above) but also that they'll know who modified it and compiled it.

Individual Licenses

  1. Public Domain - An app in the public domain may be re-used or adapted with no restrictions. The only exceptions are listed above, and exist in order to prevent abuse and various technical issues which can cause incompatibilites. Most notably, Public Domain code may be studied and adapted or copied verbatim to another project with other licensing terms.
  2. GNU Public License - The GPL is a license which strives to ensure that code released under its terms will be and remain free for use, study, and adaptation. Key restrictions which ensure these freedoms include the requirement that end-users of the program be made aware of their rights under the license, that source code always be available when the program is distributed, and that any derivative works be licensed under the GPL as well. The full text of the GPL license may be found here or at its home,

George Caswell
GAIM/AOL IM: Tetsujin0

Last modified: Mon Nov 22 21:25:52 EST 1999