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Developer Contact Information

This page contains miscellaneous personal and contact information for the developers of the software hosted on this site.

    George Caswell
  • Currently, I'm the sole developer of these projects. It's a lot of work, but it's good stuff, and I'm learning a lot. (Hopefully, these pages demonstrate that I've learned a thing or three about web design as well. :) ). OK, maybe that's pushing it a little. I hope you can at least find the information you're looking for.
  • My E-mail address:
  • My AOL Instant Messenger ID: tetsujin0. Feel free to message me anytime if you have something to ask me.
  • A cool band: Hey, coding is a lot more fun with some tunes going. My coding music selections lean heavily, and almost invariably, to Splashdown. They rock, really and truly... though now they are no more (sob)..
  • Wheee!: Do you like synthpop? Sure, we all do... so check out Freezepop, it's keen!

George Caswell
GAIM/AOL IM: Tetsujin0

Last modified: Mon Jun 4 03:27:54 EDT 2001