Tetsujin's PalmOS Development

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Here you'll find all sorts of information about what's going on with my projects, as well as important information on developing for the PalmOS platform.

  • SourceForge Page - This is where all development on the Tetsujin PalmOS Development project is coordinated. Here you will find all the latest news, information on CVS access, module releases, discussion boards, and the like.
  • Instructions for using GDB - Debugging a PalmOS app can be hard: You're pretty much tied to the event-loop application structure, and you don't have as many ways on PalmOS to provide so-called "printf debugging", to provide visual cues of what your program is doing by printing to the screen. GDB is a big help - if you can get it running. It's hard, until you know how.
  • Installing the 3.0 API headers - If you want your app to be able to use beaming, file streaming, progress dialogs, dynamic UI, and the like, you're gonna need the new API headers from Palm Computing. Installing them isn't too tough, but if you're on a Unix system there are a few things you should watch out for. This doc will take you all the way through.
  • Development Diary - The development diary contains notes I've recorded while working on my projects. Of particular interest are the notes on various error messages I've encountered, and decyphered.
  • Plans - Contains various long-term plans for my projects.

George Caswell
E-Mail: tetsujin@users.sourceforge.net
GAIM/AOL IM: Tetsujin0

Last modified: Thu Feb 17 02:38:13 EST 2000