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My Projects

Since I started working on PalmOS code back in 1999, a lot of projects have come and gone. Some of the smallest even made it to the "useful, mostly stable" stage, and then reached a long, long period of atrophy. :) Funny how having a job (or a girlfriend, for that matter... though not so much) can interfere with side-projects.

    My Projects
  • Rogue Bomber - my homage to the console classic "Bomberman" and its many, many clones and successors. I had hoped to have a playable version ready for the Handera developer's contest, but no dice. Anyway, I'm aiming to make it my very first production-quality Free Software project, and so it's also the project I've been working on most outside of work these days.
  • AppView - AppView is my first PalmOS project. It is a program which lets a PalmOS user view and alter certain characteristics of their applications. It's very old, and has a number of resource leaks and crash bugs (I didn't know how to use PalmOS gdb back then, nor did I have OS 3.5).
  • DataTreeViewer - DTV is still in early development. When complete, it will be an implementation of a Unix-like filesystem for PalmOS, allowing users to store, manage, and exchange data of many different types on their PalmOS device. The usefulness of this project is questionable, I think: new palms have secondary storage, which is a much better way of storing binary files - DOC format editors are cheap or free (not much point in trying to usurp one plaintext format with another) and the hierarchical data tree has already been done, and with much better UI and purpose, in projects like Progect - however, I still like the idea of syncing project source code to my Palm along with resources of various types, so this project may return sometime.
  • Bitmap Editor Widget - The Bitmap Editor Widget is everything you need to turn a PalmOS "Gadget" object into an editor for uncompressed PalmOS bitmaps. The current implementation is aimed at 1bpp support, primarily for small bitmaps - future versions will support OS 3.0 grayscale, OS 3.5 color, and more advanced features. This code is now quite old - I've learned a lot since then. I would like to return to it, as the notion of creating Free UI modules for PalmOS appeals to me: I think lots of projects would benefit from having things like this available.
  • Grayscale Tools - The GrayScale Tools development effort is intended to provide access to the grayscale features introduced in PalmOS version 3.0. The first tool, "ScreenApp", allows users to select the default screen mode for their device. Most of the code in here has already been done by other people by now: see Ardiri for "Toggle", which has some advantages over ScreenApp. There are also various hacks out there that will provide the functionality of "Screen Mode Hack", switching screen depth when launching particular applications, but with certain advantages... like having a UI to set the bit depth for each app. :)

George Caswell
GAIM/AOL IM: Tetsujin0

Last modified: Mon Jun 4 02:41:12 EDT 2001